

Welcome to the FAQ. Here we answer questions submitted by readers like yourself and post them publically so that other readers with similar questions can have easy access to answers. If you are asking a question that you wish to be answered privately, please specify write private at the end of your comment prior to submission. You can ask questions using the contact form in the left side-bar.

Commonly Asked Questions

Where can I learn about citing for academic papers?

A few commonly used sources include the Owl Online Writing Lab, APA Style Blog, and the Citation Machine. Additionally, most universities have writing labs designed to help students with their written assignments.

Where can I learn about the Copyright Law?

The best source is the direct source: the U.S.Copyright Office. If you're having trouble sorting through all of the legal jargon, here's a beginner's guide to copyright law.

How can I tell if an article is scholarly or not?

Generally speaking, scholarly articles are written by people who are considered professionals in their area of study. Scholarly articles usually undergo a peer review process and are published be a reputable source such as a university publication or a government website. Note: just because an article has all of these qualifications does not mean that it is perfect. For more information, read Cornell University Library's guide on Distinguishing Scholarly from Non-Scholarly Periodicals.

Can I write a guest post?

Yes. The blog will post announcements on the main page when guest posts are being actively accepted, but if you want to submit something earlier feel free to get in touch with us through the contact form in the left side-bar. Guidelines for guest posts will be submitted with each announcement.

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